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FastHealth Board Meeting 6:00PM Thursday 07/11/2024

ZOOM LINK BELOW And Financials Below
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Meeting Presentation PDF

June 30, 2024 Mid Year Estimated Income Balance Sheet
$732,521.09 Gross Income
$161,839.35 in Cash, June 30, 2024
$132,396.31 in Receivables, June 30, 2024
$294,235.70 Cash & Receivables, June 30, 2024
$ 50,000.00 Semi-Annual ADA Overlay Billing, July 2024
Shareholder Disbursement since 2/11/24 $87,550
Shareholder Dividends Paid by 6/30/24 $5,154,437.52

December 31, 2023 Year End Income Balance Sheet
$1,563,882 Gross Income
$134,219 in Cash, Dec 31, 2023
$107,256 in Receivables, Dec 31, 2023
$241,465 Cash & Receivables, Dec 31. 2023
Shareholder Dividends Paid by 12/31/23 $5,066,88

FastCommand Launches Government A.I.
Seminole Nation Launches FastCommand A.I.

FastCommand, University of West Georgia
University of West Georgia becomes first Division 1 School
Officially configures FastCommand To Protect University

FastCommand Used During EMR Failure in Kentucky
Owensboro Health System, Kentucky

FastHealth Continues Artificial Intelligence Development
A.I. Brochure for Hospitals
A.I. Acute Care Medical Center
Mockup Orthopedic A.I. Specialist
FastHealth.AI Page

Articles on Artificial Intelligence
A.I. Gaps In Acceptance, But Growing
Doctors Using AI Replace Those Who Are Reluctant
Nurses Protest Ai

FastHealth Launches New Hospital Websites
Alabama, Jackson County Hospital
Colorado, Mt. San Rafael Hospital
Arkansas, Mississippi County Hospital System
Texas, Crane Memorial Hospital
Texas, Concho County Hospital
Texas, Dimmit Regional Hospital
California, Tri-County Community Network

Old Business
February Board Meeting